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Begagnad kurslitteratur, Studentlitteratur, Billig - KTHBOK

Säljer "Adams & Essex, Calculus: A Complete Course (8th ed)" (den med bin på omslaget) + facit för 500 kr. This package includes a physical copy of Calculus: A Complete Course, 8th edition by Robert A. Adams and Christopher Essex as well as access to the eText  Buy Calculus: A Complete Course with MyMathLab access card 8e (ISBN as a new co-author on the 7th edition and has an expanded role in the 8th edition. Adams,Essex: Calculus, Single Variable, 8th ed; Adams,Essex: Calculus,a Complete Course, 8th ed.

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Calculus a complete course 8th edition

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Calculus a complete course 8th edition

This package includes a physical copy of Calculus: A Complete Course, 8th edition by Robert A. Adams and Christopher Essex, as well as access to the eText and MyMathLab. To access the eText and MyMathLab you need a course ID from your instructor. For the three-semester calculus course. Proven in North America and abroad, this classic text has earned a reputation for excellent accuracy Calculus a complete course 8th edition amazon Art of problem solving precalculus textbook and solutions manual 2-book richard rusczyk. Homework pre-calculus by denise szecsei principles with applications, global douglas c.

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Litteratur: Calculus, A Complete Course, 8th edition

Christopher Essex joined Bob Adams as a new co-author on the 7th edition and has an expanded role in the 8th edition. Pris: 349 kr. Häftad, 2017.