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Nature Microbiology Impact Factor (2019) Impact Factor: 15.540 5-year Impact Factor: 16.293 Immediacy Index: 4.407 Eigenfactor Score: 0.04152 Article Influence Score: 7.458. Aim and Scopes. Nature Microbiology is an online-only, monthly journal publishing the best research from across the field of microbiology. Nature Microbiology. Nat. Microbiol. Nature Microbiology is an online-only peer reviewed scientific journal established in 2016, published monthly by the Nature Publishing Group. The chief editor is Susan Jones who is part of an in-house team of editors.

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Defective viral genomes (DVGs) can suppress virus replication  Springer Nature (2003-) ISSN: 1740-1526 Impact (Scopus CiteScore): 36.4. Rank within the Recent Articles In: Nature Reviews Microbiology (8 articles). Submit · Impact Factor 4.235 | CiteScore 6.4. More on impact ›. in Microbiology Frontiers in Microbiology is a leading journal in its field, publishing rigorously  12 Jan 2021 Top ten microbiology journals, based on 2019 ISI impact factor. Nature Reviews Microbiology · Clinical Microbiology Reviews · Cell Host &  Publication, h5-index, h5-median.

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Impact Factor: 24.727 (2015) Website: 2. Clinical Microbiology Reviews (CMR) Clinical Microbiology Reviews (CMR) analyzes the latest developments in Impact Factor Microbiology Journals 2019 2020. July 2020. Authors: Nilton Lincopan.

Nature microbiology impact factor

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Nature microbiology impact factor

Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology, Karolinska Institutet  Impact Factor of 5.35, with a half life of 8 years, placing it 5th in the highly competitive category of Microbiology; testimony to the high regard in which it is held. har medverkat, har redovisats och kommenterats i Nature (Ledford) och BMJ Environmental microbiology. Blake H, Bermingham F, Johnson G, Tabner A. Mitigating the Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on Hypertension is a clinically important risk factor for severe illness and mortality in COVID-19. }He is carrying out first-rate research, supervising students, has organised a The majority of publications are in the journals with impact factor  av A Forsman · 2014 · Citerat av 196 — Insight into factors that increase the ability of species to establish in novel Nature 406(6797):718–722. (2006) The potential impacts of the arrival of the harlequin ladybird, Harmonia Microbiology 156(Pt 7):2046–2057. Investigations into the nature of pericoronitis.

《Nature Microbiology》评估说明 《NAT MICROBIOL》发布于爱科学网 ,并永久归类相关SCI期刊导航类别中,本站只是硬性分析 "《NAT MICROBIOL》" 的杂志可信度。 杂志真正的价值在于它是否为社会的发展带来积极促进作用。 Impact factor (IF), also known as journal impact factor (JIF), is a measure used to reflect the average numbers of citations to articles published in journals or other approved documents.
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Nature microbiology impact factor

PDF | Impact Factors of Microbiology Journals - JCR (2019 - 2020) | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Nature Reviews Microbiology is a peer-reviewed review journal published by the Nature Publishing Group.It publishes reviews and perspectives on microbiology, bridging fundamental research and its clinical, industrial, and environmental applications. Nature (impact factor: 43.070) Science (New York, N.Y.) (impact factor: 41.037) Chemical Society Reviews (impact factor: 40.443) Nature Materials (impact factor: 38.887) Cell (impact factor: 36.216) The Lancet. Oncology (impact factor: 35.386) Nature Reviews. Microbiology (impact factor: 34.648) Nature Nanotechnology (impact factor: 33.407 International Scientific Journal & Country Ranking.

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《Nature Microbiology》评估说明 《NAT MICROBIOL》发布于爱科学网 ,并永久归类相关SCI期刊导航类别中,本站只是硬性分析 "《NAT MICROBIOL》" 的杂志可信度。 杂志真正的价值在于它是否为社会的发展带来积极促进作用。 Impact factor (IF), also known as journal impact factor (JIF), is a measure used to reflect the average numbers of citations to articles published in journals or other approved documents. It helps evaluate the citation frequency of articles in a journal as well as the rank and importance of a journal. Citation Impact 1.528 - 2-year Impact Factor 1.705 - 5-year Impact Factor 0.681 - Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) 0.469 - SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) Usage 184,037 Downloads 43 Altmetric mentions Citation Impact 2.989 - 2-year Impact Factor 3.381 - 5-year Impact Factor 1.049 - Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) 1.154 - SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) Usage 1,864,599 Downloads 1,490 Altmetric mentions Annual Reviews Rankings in Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics) 2020 Release of Journal Citation Reports. The 2020 Edition of the Journal Citation Reports® (JCR) published by Clarivate Analytics provides a combination of impact and influence metrics from 2019 Web of Science source data.