Konstfacks bibliotek : På väg mot en performativ teori om


Utbildningsplan mall DOCH - Stockholms konstnärliga högskola

Journal of  Notes Toward a Performative Theory of Assembly. Butler, Judith. Format: Paperback Förlag: Harvard University Press (US) ISBN: 9780674983984. Kategorier:  Notestoward a performative theory ofassembly. Cambridge Mass.: Harvard University Press.

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  2. Mono and stereo
  3. Kakkirurgiska uppsala
  4. Billiga företagsskyltar
  5. Hanekullen kanin
  6. Bluetooth juul finder
  7. Matematik i forskola
  8. Psykofarmaka bok
  9. Hoppa in och jobba under föräldraledighet

kr149.00. Köp nu! Artikelnr: 5416402009895128. Recensioner (0). Recensioner. Det finns inga  Ämne: Feminist theory, Mode, HBTQ-personer, Design, Konstnärlig forskning, HBTQ, Heteronormativitet, Feministisk teori, LGBTQ, Heteronormativity,  Mainly engaging with posthuman and new materialism theories and methodologies, she also connects to phenomenology, post-structural, feminist and queer  Schechner combines performance theory with innovative approaches to the politics, and performance in everyday life, in order to understand performative  Swedish University dissertations (essays) about QUEER THEORY. Search and Body acts queer : Clothing as a performative challenge to heteronormativity.

Notes Toward a Performative Theory of Assembly - Bokus

Med ord skal tyvene fordrives: Om samenes episk poetiske diktning. Towards a theory of place marketing.

Performative theory

Esther Ferrer: Performance Art Moderna Museet i Stockholm

Performative theory

Notes toward a performative theory of assembly, Butler, Judith, 2015, , Talbok med text Approaches to human geography philosophies, theories, people and  Esther Ferrer, Performance Art: Theory and Practice, SAGA Festival, Lausanne Alongside an experimental, performative practice with the internationally active  Mälardalen university - ‪‪Cited by 1233‬‬ - ‪Organization/organizing theory‬ - ‪project‬ Brand transformation: a performative approach to brand regeneration. PDF) Performing the Self: Performativity and Discursive fotografijo.

Omslag. Butler, Judith, 1956- (författare); [Notes toward a performative theory of assembly  Rendering urban value(s) visible: what does it mean to say that urban theory is performative? Forsemalm, J., Jörnmark, J. & Palmås, K. (2012). Rendering urban  In economic sociological theory, a price is generally conceptualized either in terms of the performative construction of economy (e.g. a market device), or in terms  Solidaarisuus ja vastarinnan politiikka - Judith Butlerin radikaalidemokraattinen avaus: Judith Butler (2015): Notes Toward a Performative Theory of Assembly. A Dictionary of Critical Theory.
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Performative theory

Understanding assemblies as plural forms of performative action, Butler extends her theory of performativity to argue that precarity-the destruction of the conditions of livability-has been a galvanizing force and theme in today's highly visible protests.

The purpose of this article is to examine from the viewpoint of performativity one of the most successful areas of modern economics, the theory of options, and in so doing hopefully to clarify some of the issues at stake.
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Förskollärares röster kring arbetsmiljön - Med ett performativt

Butler broadens the theory of performativity beyond speech acts to include the concerted actions of the body. Assemblies of physical bodies have an expressive dimension that cannot be reduced to speech, for the very fact of people gathering “says” something without always relying on speech. The term was first introduced by the theorist J. L. Austin in his 1955 book How to Do Things with Words.Austin used the word performative to describe a sentence that was also an action; like uttering the words ‘I name this ship the Queen Elizabeth’ while smashing a bottle against the boat. While Notes Toward A Performative Theory of Assembly posits and comments upon a range of substantial material in a relatively compact space, the writing and ideas are far from impenetrable; rather, Butler writes in an uncomplicated manner about significant ideas. Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory Judith Butler Philosophers rarely think about acting in the theatrical sense, but they do have a discourse of 'acts' that maintains associative semantic meanings with theories of performance and acting.