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Uttalande från Styrelsen för Cinnober Financial Technology

No part of this document may be  11 Oct 2011 Cinnober Financial Technology AB reserves the right to make changes to the information contained herein without prior notice. No part of this  Access to world class talent in Stockholm, the second largest FinTech hub in Europe. Strong focus Executive Chairman and co-founder at Scila AB. Sellberg   Peter previously was Chief Financial Officer, and then Chief Executive Officer, of Cinnober Financial Technology AB, where he oversaw the strategic turnaround  27 Nov 2018 For further information, please contact: Anna Hallgren Co-Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications Cinnober Financial Technology AB  29 Sep 2014 NASDAQ OMX (NASDAQ: NDAQ) announces that the trading in Cinnober Financial Technology AB (shortname: CINN) shares commenced  It also announced that it has hired Cinnober Financial Technology AB to supply the trading platform technology. Cinnober was also picked to provide technology   27 nov 2018 Cinnober, a global provider of exchange and clearing technology solutions, today announces that Abaxx Cinnober Financial Technology AB. 31 Dec 2015 Cinnober Financial Technology AB. Value Drivers. Risk Profile. Quality of Management.

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Cinnober - now a part of Nasdaq - is a leading provider of trading and clearing technology, serving exchanges and clearinghouses globally. Cinnober Financial Technology AB is a supplier of financial technology providing services to exchanges and clearinghouses. The company’s product portfolio includes trading and clearing systems, solutions for price discovery, market data, index calculations, risk management and market surveillance. Publiceringsdatum Utgivare Person i ledande ställning Befattning Närstående Karaktär Instrumentnamn ISIN Transaktionsdatum Volym Volymsenhet Pris Valuta Cinnober Financial Technology AB chart This market's chart.

Cinnober Financial Technology AB 08-503 047 00 Stockholm

It offers system solutions and services for the international stock exchanges, marketplaces and clearing houses. Cinnober Financial Technology AB: Delårsrapport - Cinnober Financial Technology AB (publ) 2018-01-01 - 2018-09-30 Tredje kvartalet i korthet · Nettoomsättningen uppgick till 89,8 MSEK, en ökning med 4,9% jämfört med samma kvartal föregående år och en ökning med 2,5% jämfört med föregåe Annika Gyllfeldt Sjogren is Chief Operating Officer at Cinnober Financial Technology AB. See Annika Gyllfeldt Sjogren's compensation, career history, education, & memberships.

Cinnober financial technology ab

Cinnober Financial Technology AB - Kungsgatan 36 - Hitta

Cinnober financial technology ab

Antalet anställda har minskat med 4 personer sedan 2018 då det jobbade 66 personer på företaget.

| Cinnober  18 dec. 2018 — Nasdaq Technology AB (”Nasdaq Technology”), ett av Nasdaq, Inc. helägt indirekt dotterbolag, lämnade den 14 september 2018 ett  Cinnober Financial Technology är en oberoende, världsledande leverantör av finansiell teknologi. Bolaget, som är svenskt och bildades 1998, har kontor i  Cinnober Financial Technology North AB,556764-0288 - På hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, koncern, koncernträd, styrelse, Status, adress mm för  Cinnober Financial Technology AB. Organisationsnummer 556548-9654.
Elektriker lön per timme

Cinnober financial technology ab

Ansvarig är Niclas Holmberg 47 år.

2016 05h00 HE | Source : Cinnober Financial Technology Cinnober Financial Technology. 462 likes. Cinnober - now a part of Nasdaq - is a leading provider of trading and clearing technology, serving exchanges and clearinghouses globally.
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Cinnober Financial Technology Aktiebolag - 556548-9654

Partner. 2016-08-25 In this article, I will take a quick look at Cinnober Financial Technology AB (publ)’s recent ownership structure – an unconventional investing subject, but an important one.A company’s ownership structure is often linked to its share performance in both the long- and short-term. Cinnober Financial Technology AB tillkännager idag att bolagets styrelse, på begäran av Nasdaq Technology AB, har lämnat in en begäran om avnotering från Nasdaq First North. Detta med anledning av att Nasdaq Technology AB har påkallat tvångsinlösen av aktier från kvarvarande minoritetsägare i Cinnober Financial Technology AB. Sista dag för handel i Cinnobers aktier vid Feb 29 (Reuters) - Cinnober Financial Technology AB : * Says has been selected by the Japan Exchange Group (JPX) to deliver a real-time clearing solution for its listed derivatives market Source 2021-03-08 Information on acquisition, funding, investors, and executives for Cinnober Financial Technology.